STUDIO PILATES 70 - Tel: +39 333 5888265 - Email: Studio@StudioPilates70.com
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Cadillac Cadillac Machines Reformer Fitballs

The format of Studio Pilates 70 is a format that we created on a very firm and clear mission:


To get there we build our philosophy over the following basic principles:

- Teach the best of Pilates technique

- Clear and achievable targets, never push the Client with unrealistic targets

- Maximum flexibility in order to put the Client in the condition of work at best, but always clear and direct on the kind of needed effort and engagement.

- Never crowded Matwork classes

- No esotique solutions just to get more Clients (i.e. no half an hour sessions, serious and clear separation between Matwork and Machines)

- Standardisation of Pilates Teaching process and documentation of the job done

- Wide, clean and bright Location